EU Embassy Run: Embassy of Netherlands


Netherlands is known for its cycling and innovation.  And as part of the annual EU Embassy Run, the Embassy of Netherlands became  one of the 10 stops the group of 40+ runners made during their 13-mile run. The group was greeted with warm smiles and refreshingly cold, thirst quenching Heineken — the mot popular beer in the world — and the best we’ve ever tasted for sure. 10250329_670149839689530_6407253213872528558_n

Late in the day, lots of people were still hanging around enjoying Dutch games. 10352792_670150256356155_8096978272955166495_n  

Heineken was poured so perfectly there was zero foam and 100% taste.

Orlando double dipping his Dutch beer


This cool lady mixes the best Euro tunes to those rocking on the dance floor. 10338774_670149973022850_6976534575982370674_n Quentin and I have our hands and mouths full with Heavenly Heineken. 10264956_670150206356160_1148564310737812857_n We would have loved to stay and have more, but we had to finish our run.  We had come this far and we could smell the finish line.IMG_6390 2NetherlndsEmb IMG_6527 1NetherlndsEmbIMG_6527 1NetherlndsEmb IMG_6390 2NetherlndsEmbIMG_6538 2NetherlndsEmb