Photos by Jason Morenz
Network For Progress & Generation Obama-Washington, DC held the 8th & FINAL Mixer & Charity Date Auction DC: “Nerds Are Sexy” at Tropicalia on U Street!
After doing some mixing and mingling, attendees bid on dates with several lovely ladies and charming gentleman with the outings sponsored by local businesses including a party excursion on the Boomerang Pirate Ship.
50% of the proceeds will benefit Code for Progress – a progressive coding community that brings new professionals like people of color into the field through classroom training and structured alumni programming.
After this climactic date auction of DC’s most seductive political and tech geeks, Jim McBride and Network for Progress is retiring from the singles business!

What cause do you care the most about?
Health (research and education), Cancer support/research
What is the nerdiest thing about you that you can tell us?
Shiver me timbers, do yer really want to know this, matey?! Ayyye, then m’lad. Sometimes, me likes to talk to meself and me hearties in pirate slang!!! Tis true.
What kind of date can we expect?
A night of salsa dancing would be fun!
Anything else we should know that might entice bidders?
I’m kind, confident, and have an endless amount of love to give to the world.

What cause do you care the most about?
Women’s Rights
What is the nerdiest thing about you that you can tell us?
I have an ongoing list of countries visited competition with my family. I am winning at 30!
What kind of date can we expect?
Kayaking? Canoeing? Drinks?
Anything else we should know that might entice bidders?
I am very laid back and spontaneous. I love to just go with the flow.

What cause do you care the most about?
Human trafficking
What is the nerdiest thing about you that you can tell us?
Huge Harry Potter fan
What kind of date can we expect?
fun, dinner
Anything else we should know that might entice bidders?
French native

What cause do you care the most about?
Ending LGBT Youth Homelessness, Labor Rights, Social Justice
What is the nerdiest thing about you that you can tell us?
I ponder the question who would win Data or Darth Vader?
What kind of date can we expect?
A tour of the Hirshhorn Museum of modern art.
Anything else we should know that might entice bidders?
I enjoy the city’s modern art museums, have a passion for social & economic causes and when it comes to politics I say if your not causing trouble your not doing it right!

(date benefiting St. Jude’s Hospital)
What cause do you care the most about?
Housing, Income Inequality, Poverty, Workforce Development
What is the nerdiest thing about you that you can tell us?
I read the newspaper way to much
What kind of date can we expect?
Make it up as we go type of date, a little bit of choose adventure, red pill blue pill …
Anything else we should know that might entice bidders?
I like to have fun

What cause do you care the most about?
Young Government Leaders (YGL). I’ve been the President for two years.
What is the nerdiest thing about you that you can tell us?
I will beat everyone in Settlers of Catan!
What kind of date can we expect?
Your choice: Beer at a sportsbar, a bike ride and FroYo, Dinner and the walking around the zoo
Anything else we should know that might entice bidders?
I can sing and I play in a local cover band, “The Perfectionists”

What cause do you care the most about?
Civic Engagement — Political Education
What is the nerdiest thing about you that you can tell us?
Desires to have dinner with Dianne Rehm, of NRP
What kind of date can we expect?
Fun, Funny, Refreshing
Anything else we should know that might entice bidders?
Started political consulting firm while in law school. First client, OFA.

What cause do you care the most about?
Environmental/Social Justice
What is the nerdiest thing about you that you can tell us?
My favorite Nintendo game is Super Smash Brothers; I can probably beat you at MTG; and I have cried tears of joy over a successfully executed synthesis in Organic Chemistry
What kind of date can we expect?
Fine wine to base-jumping; I’m into it. I’ll let my buyer decide what (within the bounds of good taste) they would like most to do with our time together.
Anything else we should know that might entice bidders?
I’m smart, sexy, creative, capricious, adventurous and a good cook.

What cause do you care the most about?
i’m a personal and leadership development junkie!
What is the nerdiest thing about you that you can tell us?
back in the day, my favorite TV show was Roswell (the show about aliens)
What kind of date can we expect?
We’re going to have fun…and laugh a lot!
Anything else we should know that might entice bidders?
I’m a Libra

What cause do you care the most about?
Autism, Civil Rights, Climate
What is the nerdiest thing about you that you can tell us?
I’m obsessed with paleontology and urban agriculture.
What kind of date can we expect?
A walk around the monuments at night
Anything else we should know that might entice bidders?
I’m a great kisser!

What cause do you care the most about?
What is the nerdiest thing about you that you can tell us?
There’s a nerdy campaign operative in Amazon’s “Alpha House” based on me
Anything else we should know that might entice bidders?
I know how to implement gaussian mixture models in STAN

What cause do you care the most about?
What is the nerdiest thing about you that you can tell us?
Came in second place twice (5th and 8th grades) in the geography bee.
What kind of date can we expect?
dinner, drinks
Anything else we should know that might entice bidders?
I can dance (for a white guy).